Guide will prompt candidates for their feedback based upon the settings of your Stage Templates. Here is how to ensure you're asking for feedback + our recommendations to ensure a high response rate.
At the Stage Template Level ensure you have "Interview Feedback" toggled on. When any stage template with interview feedback set to On is utilized in a Role Journey, candidates will be prompted for their feedback after the last interview in that stage concludes.
What the candidate sees:
We strive to make candidates comfortable in being candid with their experience. We aggregate and anonymize candidate feedback, and it will not be visible to your team until a hiring decision has been made.
Upon conclusion of their interview, they are reminded to provide feedback anytime they visit the Guide.
Feedback is specific to the stage in which it was requested and can be filtered later within your Feedback Dashboard
Candidates complete not only freeform comments and emoji ratings, they also provide a critical Candidate NPS score metric as well. More details on that here.
βBest Practices
We recommend the following to help ensure a higher response rate:
Multi stage Guides will always encourage more candidate interaction, as they refer to the Guide as a living document through a journey you steward. We encourage you to add Guide to as many stages as possible (with feedback enabled) to not only help the candidate succeed but to offer them the chance to provide granular feedback on every step of the process.
If you are using Guide at a single stage and the interview tracker is not available to you, we recommend sending a quick reminder email (built in our email template library) asking them to kindly revisit their Guide to leave a quick piece of feedback