In Guide, you'll create stage templates for each Greenhouse stage in your hiring process. Inside of those stages are specific interviews that the candidate will schedule and participate in. These interviews can benefit from additional context, beyond what you add into the stage template. You can give candidates additional details about those interviews using Interview Descriptions. There are a few ways of editing interview descriptions. Watch the video to learn more, or continue reading down below!
Interview Descriptions for one job
For an individual job, you can edit your interview descriptions in the Interviews tab of the job.
Interview descriptions will appear in the Schedule module, alongside any Zoom/Google meeting links and the interviewers assigned to the interview:
Editing the interview description for a job will allow you to change the name of the interview that displays to the candidate and the content of the description. You can add links, lists, and other rich text.
Interview Templates applied to multiple jobs
Interview Templates allow you to bulk apply the same Title + Description to many interviews across multiple jobs all at once. If you edit an interview template, that content is immediately modified for all interviews using that template, just like our Stage Templates do for Guide content.
Interview templates are available in the Templates section of guide, and can be edited the same as with Interview Descriptions, giving them a title and description. Once they've been created, you can assign them to multiple interviews from the three dots menu to the right of the template:
Search for the interviews you'd like to assign the template to and click assign:
You can assign interview templates to any interview, even if there isn't a Guide set up for that job yet.
Seeing where templates are used
On the Interview templates page, we'll also show you which interviews have been assigned a template. Click into the number of interviews to see each one:
Hiding Interviews
Guide will only show scheduled interviews in your candidates' guides, but if you and your team have any internal calls that are scheduled (reviews or debriefs, for example), you can hide those interviews from your candidates.
Go to your jobs settings, and then click into the Interview tab, then click the three dots menu from the interview you'd like to remove and select Hide:
If you already scheduled interviews you wish to hide going forward, we have a short video covering our two recommended steps you take: